Annual VBF 2020: Challenges and opportunities in the new normal

    Hanoi, December 22 – Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Pham Binh Minh attends the Annual Vietnam Business Forum 2020

    Under the theme of “Challenges and opportunities in the new normal”, the discussion focuses on providing recommendations to reboot business, attract foreign investment flows, and boost the participation of local businesses in the value chain.  In his opening remarks, Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh spoke highly of the position and importance of the Annual VBF in reflecting Vietnam’s commitment to further improve legal systems and provide favorable business conditions which will facilitate the development of private enterprises as well as contribute to the country’s sustainable economic growth.

    The Vietnamese Government has been working relentlessly to fulfill this year’s twin goals of bringing the COVID-19 outbreak under control and sustaining positive GDP growth. Vietnam is among only a few countries to post positive economic growth this year, with GDP projected at 2-3 percent; trade revenue totaled 489.1 billion USD in the first 11 months, a year-on-year increase of 3.5 percent. Therefore, valuable initiatives put forth by the VBF will continue to help the Government in applying new approaches to policy making and implementing strategies on socio-economic development, foreign investment and business in general.

    The full Report of the Annual VBF 2020 can be downloaded at

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